Monday, January 01, 2007


It's 2007 and I'm attempting to rejuvenate my lackluster blog. The numbers on the site are up and down. Apparently, "hip-hop journalism" has detracted from the thing I loved the most....blogging and ranting about the bullsh*t that goes on in politics, hip-hop, and this fu*ked up world of ours. It's a new day. A new year. Let's try this again....
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My man J.A.M.E.S has already mastered the art of distributing FREE material...apparently Talib Kweli and Madlib have caught on as well.

Speaking of J.A.M.E.S, peep the review of his critically acclaimed mixtape, Shameless Promotion Vol 1...

White people love Barack Obama, but how do "Black folk" feel about the presidential hopeful?

AllHipHop recaps the best of 06', however nothing compares to HipHopSite's Best Of List[whenever they post it]...HHNLive's is OK I guess...

The United States may have murdered Saddam, but I wonder if they ever found out his 'secrets'?

Then again, the U.S is curious as to why the Iraqis were in such a rush to EXECUTE Saddam...hmmmm.

I was always wondering what's so bad about permitting 50 Cent to represent the celebration of Kwanzaa?

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