Monday, November 20, 2006


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Nonfictional Fantasies had the opportunity to interview DJ Drama.(T.I's official DJ + Gangsta Grillz Mixtape Orginator + Aphilliates Fouder, etc) Once again, another exclusive article written by yours truly....enjoy...

The standard textbook definition of affiliation is the act of consorting with or joining together with others. As the founder of the all-star DJ team, The Aphilliates (DJ Sense, DJ Don Cannon, DJ Jaycee, DJ Ox, and DJ Jamad), DJ Drama’s proven ability to thrive off of relationships has helped him to garner exponential success in the hip-hop industry. DJ Drama is very much aware of this penchant for comradery and believes that these “relationships are definitely the key to a lot of [his] success.”

DJ Drama (also known as Mr. Thanksgiving) has much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving holiday. In addition to being T.I’s official tour DJ, Drama recently launched Aphilliates Music Group and will soon release a Gangsta Grillz LP this year. Though things seem to be on the up and up, with a name like Drama, it is no surprise that the critically acclaimed DJ has encountered his fair share of drama this year. Read on as DJ Drama sits down with Yo! Raps to discuss his take on shots from DJ Kayslay, his upcoming Gangsta Grillz LP, and why he will reign supreme among hip-hop DJs for years to come. It’s Gangsta Grillz you bastards, the IPod King has arrived, stand up and pay attention! [Continue post here.]

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