Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Is it cliche to say End the Iraq War? Posted by Picasa

Quick Post........

Would you ever believe that Karl Rove and the Bush admin could spin the Sen. Iraq withdrawal vote in its favor? WTF?

If you are not bumping Shameless Promotion in your tape d.....Ipods....MP3 players...etc...you got issues.

Speaking of issues, Freddie Foxx recently vented(as usual) about his problems with the rap game.

Is the stereotype that Chinese kids do better in school true? This article may have answer......

Crackheads Gone Wild?
What you know about that? lol.....

It's becoming harder and harder to be an older brother. First, they said older bros. are more intellignent. Now scientists say that younger brothers are more likely to be GAY as well. Wow.......

Yung Joc is for real.....first he had Tom Cruise doing the dance....now Pat Rilley....lol...what's next?

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