Monday, August 07, 2006


One of the most underrated MCs provides SUMMER HEAT... Posted by Picasa

Little Brother + Cormega = "Back At It"[The recently embattled LB link up with Mega to deliver straight my humble opinion.]

More info on the new Mighty Mos LP......[not to hate...but for many it's....BUYER BEWARE..]

Considering Israel's 'deliberate attempts' to kill Lebanese civilians, it looks like we have some WAR CRIMES at hand.

Isn't Angelina Jolie already Black? She has a Black baby and has been to more African countries than most "Black people", but some see this as an

Pretty White Girl Saved From Scary Black Man [proof that MYSPACE is evil....]

ZAB JUDAH survives a ''botched robbery"..and just like CAM...he is NOT SNITCHIN either......

It looks as though a few GOP Congressmen will be indicted soon....will it happen before the Nov. elections?

All in all, the recent developments of THE GAME leaving AFTERMATH continue to be a controversial topic. Was he REALLY dropped because of 50 CENT unbearable influence? Did THE GAME really receive $50 Million to switch to GEFFEN? Some are not buying the spin which claims that THE GAME left AFTERMATH by his own volition and I don't think we will ever know the real truth. At this point, it is not that important anymore. The release and reception of the DOCTOR's ADVOCATE will silence or empower his critics. You never know, if LLOYD BANK's, Rotten Apple, flops, it could signal the end of G-UNIT's chokehold on the rap game and the possible ascension of BLACKWALLSTREET[though highly unlikely]Therefore, it seems as though the FOURTH quarter of album releases makes the end of 2006 something to look forward to...

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