Monday, August 28, 2006


Where in the fu*k is the Middle Passage? Posted by Picasa

More proof that Foxy Brown is a straight up asshole. heat from Immortal Technique[the game has been waiting for the Middle Passage..]

Step your sneaker game up.

Did anyone even know Cormega had a video for this? And I know Mega is "real hip-hop", but this is VERY low budget...damn.

WANTED: OSAMA BIN LADEN...but not for 9/11 Terror Attacks? WTF?

As we anticipate Lupe Fiasco's Food & Liquor....listen to excerpts of FNF radio!

New footage of the Reasonable Doubt concert.[IMHO it's not the same if you weren't there fuc*ers.]

Some believe that post-Katrina America is no longer the "greatest country in the world".

Happy Birthday shouts to the kid J.A.M.E.S......until next time..

1 comment:

K said...

I heard about Foxy Brown acting while I was driving into work... she needs to get it together. I hadn't heard about the Osama bin Laden article but nowadays nothing really suprises me. I am glad I strolled on to your page. *taking a break at work + the next blog button = a good find*